Android studio java button onclick floating action button
Android studio java button onclick floating action button

android studio java button onclick floating action button

in XML with attribute app:backgroundTint.If you wish to change this at runtime then you can do so via setBackgroundTintList(ColorStateList). The background color of this view defaults to the your theme's colorAccent. I used android-floating-action-button library by Jerzy Chalupski as a base for development.As described in the documentation, by default it takes the color set in styles.xml attribute colorAccent. Please see the Changelog page to see what's recently changed. Labels shadow preferences depends on their corresponding FloatingActionButtons' shadow preferences.įor more usage examples check the sample project. If you're using custom style for labels - other labels attributes will be ignored. Here are all the FloatingActionMenu's xml attributes with their default values which means that you don't have to set all of them: Here are all the FloatingActionButton's xml attributes with their default values which means that you don't have to set all of them:Īll of these FloatingActionButton's attributes has their corresponding getters and setters. Icons of desired size can be generated with Android Asset Studio. Use drawables of size 24dp as specified by guidlines. You can set an icon for the FloatingActionButton using android:src xml attribute. Option to set a label for the FloatingActionMenu's button.Option to remove all buttons from the FloatingActionMenu.Option to dim the FloatinActionMenu's background.Option to add button to the FloatingActionMenu programmatically.Option to show circle progress on FloactinActionButton.Option to show labels to the left and to the right of the menu.Custom FloatingActionMenu icon animations.Support for normal 56dp and mini 40dp button sizes.Option to disable shadow for buttons and (or) labels.Option to set custom shadow color and offsets.Option to set custom normal/ pressed/ ripple colors.

android studio java button onclick floating action button

Ripple effect on Android Lollipop devices.Sample APK can be found in Releases section. Watch a short Demo Video on YouTube or try it using Android simulator in the browser on The library requires Android API Level 14+. Yet another implementation of Floating Action Button for Android with lots of features. WARNING! FURTHER DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORT IS DISCONTINUED.

Android studio java button onclick floating action button