Heart Box free downloads
Heart Box free downloads

Heart Box free downloads

Save it as a PNG or PDF and print at your local office supply store or print at home. You can change font size, colours and detailed wording ATTENTION: Design layers are locked, and not all sections can be edited You can save as a PNG, PDF or JPG once edited The templates comes with a basic instruction sheet on how to editĪll Template files can be edited online in CANVA, a FREE program that does not need any credit card information to use. ★ HOW TO EDIT YOUR TEMPLATE Open the PDF & click the section where it says CLICK HERE to open your Canva Template. Open the PDF in Acrobat Reader () This is a free reader and is available on most computers. You can edit, Name, Event, Address, Date, Time & Venue on the Invitation If you do not have a Canva account, you can easily open a free account to edit & download your files Click the link on your downloaded PDF to open your files in Canva.

Heart Box free downloads